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Monday, August 27, 2012

An Egyptian Costume for a Friend!

I'm not a designer, I'm not a seamstress, but one thing is for sure: I'm a selfless friend... I find joy in sharing my little blessings with others. I feel blessed whenever I give out. I'm not stingy in giving even my time to people who are dear to me. Maybe because that's the very nature of my work, or that's just who I am. Last week Ashley asked me to make a D.I.Y. Egyptian costume he would be using for the OLFU Mr. & Ms. Tourism 2012. For three (or four?) sleepless days, Anj, Daryll and I created a costume that would fit Ashley's idea of an ancient Egyptian attire. Thank God we were able to finish it before the pageant!

From fabrics to foil, can you believe that we only spent 238 pesos (USD $5.64) for the entire costume?

Making an Egyptian headpiece drained out my right brain!

But it ain't gonna us from night till day!

During the pageant, we had to help him wear the costume:

This is the finished product, the sum of our efforts and ideas:

It was all worth the pimples!

Seeing the costume being modeled onstage took away my weariness:
And even if Ash did not win the pageant... the fun, the skills developed and the camaraderie are things that I will never forget!

To Ash, it's okay. Try again next year! Colonel Sanders failed 1,009 times before his home-made chicken became KFC... Keep in mind that, winners never quit, and quitters never win!