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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Not-So-Ombre Hair

We all know that to be successful in business you have to fail lots of times... Same is true with hair dyeing at home! Haha... since I opt for home treatments it was trial and error. And my hair is so black and thick that even coloring it with blonde colors won't help. I was dyeing my hair like 3 times already but still can't get this ombre (gradient hair color) that I want:

So I decided to dye it again. This time with hair bleach! I was mad already! LOL!

I really thought it would even add an iota of color but it turned out to be...

T_T Epic failure! Hah! Better luck next time... I know this costs me even more than just going straight to the salon but, that's just me... I thirst for knowledge, hence I as long as it's doable by my own hand, I do it. I'll get to save lots of cash anyway when I have mastered the art of hair coloring. :) For now, it's time to mull... I had to wear wayfarer shades so that I can cover my teary eyes... Oh cuh-rap! Haha. We're not yet over... thick hair!